3rd TPM – Belgium

The event took place in the city of Mons, Belgium, and the hosts (LogoPsyCom) ensured, with their professionalism and hospitality, an environment conducive to collaboration between European partners.

As project implementation enters its final phase, fundamental aspects have been addressed, thus paving the way for a successful conclusion. During the sessions, issues relating to project management, the website and interactive map, the Teacher Training Course, Lesson Plans and DIY Guide, the creation of a YouTube channel and project dissemination strategies were discussed.

The partners, once again, demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the project’s objectives, further strengthening relationships and partnerships within the European educational community.

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The Project

The Shared (Hi)stories project seeks to broaden the minds of secondary students in the EU by encouraging critical thinking and a multi-perspective approach to cultural and historical heritage. Through the exploration of (hi)stories traditionally told from a one-sided national perspective, the project aims to foster a strong sense of EU awareness and citizenship among students while improving their English skills.

Shared (Hi)Stories© 2023