Multiplier Event – Greece

The multiplier event was organised by the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Macedonia. 

The participants were mainly educators in schools of general, primary and secondary, education. The event was organised within the framework of the Erasmus Days 2024. 

The presenters initially gave some general information about the project and its goals and then presented the project outcomes making direct reference to specific examples of the outcomes. In this way, the presenters instructed the participants on how to navigate themselves in the project website. The multiplier event was also available online so that participants from other parts of the region could participate. The participants showed much interest in the project outcomes. They congratulated the project partners for their hard work and the amount of the created materials. They also congratulated the presenters in the event for their elaborate and motivating presentations.

Between the presentations and the discussion about the project, the participants were offered promotional material and coffee. 

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The Project

The Shared (Hi)stories project seeks to broaden the minds of secondary students in the EU by encouraging critical thinking and a multi-perspective approach to cultural and historical heritage. Through the exploration of (hi)stories traditionally told from a one-sided national perspective, the project aims to foster a strong sense of EU awareness and citizenship among students while improving their English skills.

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