Food and drink are deeply intertwined with culture, either national or regional, forming a strong bond that reflects the traditions, beliefs, and values of any particular society. All over the world, culinary practices shape not only what we eat and drink, but also how we socialize and celebrate. Drinking and eating is not only about nourishing our body. It’s a means of expressing our cultural identity.
Culture includes different elements such as art, history, language or cuisine. Both food and drink play a pivotal role in cultural identity, acting as a vehicle for transmitting cultural heritage from one generation to another.
Local ingredients and traditional recipes are the most common of the bonds between food and culture. But cooking techniques can also play a role in how food is linked to our society. In that sense, pasta in Italy, paella in Spain or Moussaka in Greece are not merely dishes but emblematic of their respective cultures.
One of the main reasons why communities get together is food, which in many cases entails rituals and cultural understanding. Table manners or a specific etiquette that accompany a certain meal are the reflection of social norms and promote the harmony between a communities’ members. The mere act of sharing drink and food with others gives us a sense of belonging and unity.
Drinking and eating together are a setting that invites storytelling. In that sense, they are also a form of cultural expression and exchange. Societies interact with each other and, gradually, will have influenced each other’s cuisine.
In our Shared (Hi)stories, you will find several short stories on how, many times, we share our culinary traditions with more different cultures than we would expect.